“Building Stronger Partnerships in the New Normal: Post-COVID-19 in Asia and the Pacific Islands” を開催します

 この度、琉球大学は2017 年 2 月に琉球大学とJICA沖縄が締結した「連携協力の推進にかかる覚書」に基づき、JICA沖縄、TAネットワーキングと協同してワークショップ “Building Stronger Partnerships in the New Normal: Post-COVID-19 in Asia and the Pacific Islands” を3月18日(木)にオンラインにて開催します。
1.日  時:2021年3月18日(木)午前9時半から~午前12時半(日本時間)
2.申込方法: リンク先の申込フォームよりお申し込みください


について話し合いを行い、このワークショップで得られた経験と教訓をアジア太平洋の島嶼地域にフィードバックします。 さらに、これらの結果をJICAの政府開発援助(ODA)プログラムの創設の提案につなげます。


Workshop entitled “Building Stronger Partnerships in the New Normal: Post-COVID-19 in Asia and the Pacific Islands” will be held.
1.Date:March 18 (Thursday), 2021
2.Time:9:30 – 12:30 (Japan Time)
3.For registration:Registration form is available from
4.Registration deadline:17 March, 2021

Based on the Agreement of University of the Ryukyus and JICA Okinawa, workshop entitled “Building Stronger Partnerships in the New Normal: Post-COVID-19 in Asia and the Pacific Islands” jointly organized by JICA Okinawa, University of the Ryukyus, and TA Networking Corporation will be held on Thursday, 18th March via online. This is part of the research activities on “Post-Corona: Creating a healthy and safety society and schools in Asia and the Pacific Islands”. Persons from multi-sector in the Asia and Pacific Islands countries will participate in the workshop.

The objectives of this workshop are to:
(1) discuss interdisciplinary approaches for building safer islands, and
(2) assessment of needs for human resource development.

We would like to feedback the results of our experiences and lesson-learned in the workshop to the Asia Pacific island region. In addition, the results of our research will lead to a proposal for the creation of JICA’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) program.